During your appointment one of our friendly clinical team will help you understand your individual risks and work with you to come up with an individual skin health plan and/or treatment plan based on your results.

Our educated goal:

“We want you to be educated and informed about the importance of skin health generally and skin cancer identification in particular.  We also want to ensure you know how to best protect your skin as much as possible”.

Upon completion of your full body skin check, your doctor may require you to have further investigation and/or treatment for anything suspicious found.  You doctor will explain to you in simple and easy terms the best method to investigate and treat anything suspicious found.  Most treatments and investigations can be performed on site however in some instances, specialist medical intervention may be recommended.

Some typical treatments may include:

  • Referral – a request to a specialist or a consultant physician for investigation, opinion, treatment and/or management of a condition or problem for the performance of a specific examination or test eg cosmetic surgeon for delicate facial work.
  • Biopsy – A biopsy is a medical test commonly performed involving sampling of cells or tissues for examination. It is the medical removal of tissue from a living subject to determine the presence or extent of a disease. The tissue is generally examined under a microscope by a pathologist and can also be analyzed chemically.
  • Cryotherapy – when liquid nitrogen is used to produce extreme cold to destroy cancer cells on the skin with a spraying device.
  • Diathermy (Electrocautery) –  a device used to burn the cancerous tissue and seal blood vessels, which helps to reduce or stop bleeding.
  • Serial Curettage-  a technique used where an area of skin cancer is scrapped and scooped out with a curette and then electrocauterised to destroy the cancer cells of a superficial area and low risk tumours. This procedure may need to be performed a few times and does leave scarring.
  • Simple Excision/Wide Local Excision –  when the skin cancer is removed by cutting out the lesion and closing the area with sutures. An amount of surrounding tissue must also be removed to reduce the risk of leaving any cancer behind. The lesion is then sent to pathology for microscopic analysis to determine what type of cancer it is and if it has been adequately excised. There are standards that doctors follow to ensure the correct amount of healthy tissue is clear of cancer, depending what type of cancer it is.
  • Flap Repair – a technique that is used to repair an area that has been excised and may be needed when there will be too much tension or puckering by simply bringing the skin together for a better cosmetic outcome. They also heal very well because they have their own blood supply. Tissue is freed and rotated or moved from an adjacent area to cover the defect while still attached to the body at its base. The edges are then all neatly sutured together.
  • Imiquimod (Aldara Cream) – in some circumstances, may be used to treat superficial BCCs that are more than 1 cm from the eyes, ears, nose, lips or hairline. It will not be used on BCCs that have recurred, are invasive or nodular. The cream can cause a severe local reaction, in which case, treatment can cease until the area has settled, then the regime is to continue for up to a total of 6 weeks (including resting time). Excision is still the best method for treating BCCs because it has a higher cure rate and can be assessed to ensure that it has been completely removed.